Michelle Hardeman-Guptill, LMFT, CCHT

Transformational Coach, Speaker, Speaker Trainer and Licensed Psychotherapist.

Michelle Maree Hardeman-Guptill has 15+ years of clinical experience working with trauma, disordered eating/body image, identity, anxiety/perfectionism, high performance and creativity. She also has a background as a director, performer, teacher, trainer, body worker and inclusion advocate. Michelle Maree is the creator of Neuro-Soma Coaching: Blending brain science with body wisdom. Her style of coaching utilizes innovative as well as heavily researched processes such as Brainspotting, Clinical Hypnosis, Mindfulness, and Intuition.

Michelle Hardeman-Guptill Therapy

Website:  www.michellehardemanguptilltherapy.com
Email:  michellehardemanguptill.lmft@gmail.com
Phone: 707-972-6639

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Michelle Hardeman-Guptill Therapy

member since 2019