Thank you for your interest in being a speaker!
We want you to feel safe and supported, and to see our meetings as a place to “try your wings” if speaking is somewhat new for you. We don’t expect professional speaking; however, we do want quality. Therefore, in order to help you experience success as a speaker and perform at your best, the NEWofMarin Cofounders have chosen some criteria that we ask you to use for your presentation. We believe our format will help give you guidance and more confidence. The criteria are:
1. Write a Proposal to Speak, include a brief outline of your presentation, handouts and a short biography. This allows us time to promote on Eventbrite & publicity deadlines to be met so your presentation can be advertised.) Send the email to the speaker coordinator. (That would be me!)
2. Speaking at a meeting is a benefit of membership extended to members in good standing with regular attendance. We have found that regular attendance where you speak, both before and after your presentation, is highly beneficial not only to the speaker but also to the attendees.
3. You may speak once within a 12-month period at one of our monthly dinner meetings.
4. Your topic should focus on information that is beneficial to women in business and be addressed in an informative way. This is your chance to draw upon your experience and expertise in your chosen field and share your knowledge with our audience. Your presentation should not be an advertisement about you, your work, or your product.
5. Presentations are 15 minutes in length with 5 minutes afterwards for Q&A. It is essential that you stay within the time allotment.
6. You adequately project your voice.
7. You are encouraged to use handouts. Plan on 30-40 women for our monthly dinner meeting. You may put marketing materials on the tables.
8. You arrive at the meeting early to allow adequate time to relax and get organized.
Please be aware that the scheduling of your presentation is dependent upon the length of the waiting list. There is usually a 6 to 12 month wait for our monthly dinner meeting. You are valued as a large part of our continued success as the best women’s network group in Marin! We are very grateful for your contributions towards our mutual success. Thank you for giving of yourself, your time and your expertise.